Pick Color From Image

Advanced Color Picker from Image

Advanced Color Picker from Image

Select an Image to Pick Colors

Select an image to pick colors

Color is a fundamental aspect of visual design and communication. It influences emotions, conveys messages, and can even affect decision-making. In the world of web and graphic design, choosing the right color is paramount. To aid in this crucial task, we present an advanced color picker tool that allows users to select colors directly from images. This tool not only enhances the precision of color selection but also opens up a vast spectrum of possibilities by enabling users to extract colors from any image.

Our advanced color picker tool is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Users can upload an image, and with a simple click, select any color from the image. This selected color can then be used in various design projects, ensuring consistency and harmony in the color palette.

Features of the Advanced Color Picker

  1. Image Upload: Users can upload images in various formats, including JPG, PNG, and GIF. The uploaded image is displayed on the screen, allowing users to pick colors from any part of the image.
  2. Color Extraction: By clicking on the desired area of the image, users can extract the exact color. This precision ensures that designers get the exact hue, saturation, and brightness they need.
  3. Color Code Display: Once a color is picked, its hexadecimal code is displayed. This code can be used in HTML, CSS, and other design tools to replicate the exact color.
  4. Color Gallery: The tool includes a pre-defined color gallery with common colors and their hexadecimal codes. This gallery serves as a quick reference for designers.

How It Works

The color picker works by leveraging the HTML5 canvas element. When an image is uploaded, it is drawn onto the canvas. The canvas allows pixel-level manipulation, making it possible to extract the color of any specific pixel.

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Image Upload: The user selects an image file using the file input element. A JavaScript FileReader object reads the file and displays the image on the screen.
  • Canvas Drawing: The image is drawn onto an HTML5 canvas element. This allows us to access the pixel data of the image.
  • Color Picking: When the user clicks on the image, the coordinates of the click are used to retrieve the pixel data from the canvas. The RGB values of the pixel are converted to a hexadecimal color code.
  • Displaying the Color Code: The hexadecimal color code is displayed to the user, providing them with the exact color information.

Use Cases

The advanced color picker tool can be utilized in various scenarios, including:

  • Web Design: Designers can extract colors from inspiration images to use in website themes, ensuring a cohesive color scheme.
  • Graphic Design: Artists can pick colors from reference images to use in their digital artwork.
  • Interior Design: Professionals can use the tool to pick colors from photos of materials, fabrics, or other design elements.
  • Fashion Design: Designers can extract colors from fashion photos to create color-coordinated clothing lines.
  • Marketing and Branding: Marketers can ensure brand consistency by extracting and using the exact colors from brand imagery.


  1. Precision: The tool allows for precise color selection, ensuring that the exact color needed is picked.
  2. Efficiency: Instead of manually trying to match colors, users can quickly pick the exact color from an image.
  3. Versatility: The tool supports various image formats and can be used for a wide range of applications.
  4. User-Friendly: The intuitive interface makes it easy for users of all skill levels to pick colors from images.


Our advanced color picker tool is a valuable asset for anyone involved in design and creative projects. By enabling users to pick colors directly from images, it ensures accuracy, enhances creativity, and streamlines the design process. Whether you are a web designer, graphic artist, interior decorator, fashion designer, or marketer, this tool will help you achieve your color selection goals with ease and precision. Embrace the power of accurate color picking and elevate your design projects to new heights with our advanced color picker tool.